Scot Young couldn't write a creative bio if his life depended on it. Recent rumors of his death were blogged to sell his work and should not really be taken seriously.
Readers Extraordinaire!
This is a place for you to view work by some new artists and some old favorites in the underground writing scene. Please do not give harsh critique on the pieces.
We want to create a platform for artists to share their best work.
A call for submissions!
Please edit your pieces before sending. If we do find an error, but still want to post your piece, we will ask you to correct before publication. We want clean work.
We don't mind sex scenes as long as they aren't porn. Porn leaves a taste in the mouth we don't enjoy.
We want thought provoking pieces, not rants.
Artists and Photographers:
We are always looking for artwork and photography. We like naked bodies but since we don't want to restrict viewers, please do not send pictures of people who aren't wearing clothes. Naked animals are fine.
Send your submissions to